Second Call of SOLAR-ERA.NET launched

Euresearch 300x100SOLAR-ERA.NET launches its second set of transnational calls in the fields of photovoltaics and concentrated solar power generation.

SOLAR-ERA.NET has launched its second set of Transnational Calls PV2 and CSP2. 17 countries and regions participate with their RTD and innovation programmes in these calls. The total public funding budget for both calls is 12 million euros, covering topics in photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP). Innovative project proposals – are sought on transnational level between different European countries strengthening the competitive position of the European solar power industry.

Preproposals must be submitted not later than 30 April 2014.

The following topics are part of the second set of transnational calls:

SOLAR-ERA.NET transnational call PV2:

  • PV2.1 Innovative processes for inorganic thin-film cells & modules
  • PV2.2 Dedicated modules for BIPV design and manufacturing
  • PV2.3 Grid integration and large-scale deployment of PV
  • PV2.4 High-efficiency PV modules based on next generation c-Si solar cells
  • PV2.5 Solar glass and encapsulation materials
  • PV2.6 Concentrator PV technology
  • PV2.7 Si feedstock, crystallization and wafering

SOLAR-ERA.NET transnational call CSP2:

  • CSP2.1 Cost reduction and efficiency increase in components
  • CSP2.2 Dispatchability through storage and hybridisation
  • CSP2.3 New fluids for CSP plants
  • CSP2.4 Innovative thermodynamic cycles

Further Information


Schlagwörter: Ausschreibung, Call, Energie

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