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Workshops about the digital analysis on "Corona in Public Communication"

Research and consulting teams at the ZHAW must adequately consider the current effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in their research applications and projects. In our workshops, we support you to quickly develop data-based and valid knowledge on "Corona in Public Communication". Sign up now!

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only changed society, but also applied research. Research and consulting teams must consider the past months and their effects in their research questions, research assignments or consulting and development projects. In our workshops, we support ZHAW teams in the digital analysis of extensive language data on Corona discourses in regard of their respective research interest and help them to quickly obtain valid findings about "Corona in Public Communication". This could be, for example, how general ideas about Corona have changed, what sense is ascribed to hygiene measures or what social and economic consequences society expects.

The ZHAW's own data resource "Swiss-AL-Corona-C" provides the empirical basis for the analysis. The text corpus contains websites, publications and documents from important actors in public communication (journalistic media as well as political, economic or scientific organizations and civil society).

We offer introductory workshops and – based on this – individual transfer workshops.

These are the contents of the introductory workshops:

The workshops are free of charge. They take place at the ZHAW or virtually (to be decided). Previous knowledge of data and discourse analysis is not required. Please register until October 30th.

* = Mandatory field
Form of address
I can attend the workshop on the following dates:*

About us

The workshops are offered by the Digital Discourse Lab (DiDiLab), a cooperation between several professorships at the School of Applied Linguistics of the ZHAW. Its research teams have already carried out several practice-based projects and scientific publications about the analysis of public discourse. The workshops take place as part of the project "Digital Transfer Platform for COVID-19 Research", supported by the Digital Futures Fund.