Newsletter TEDD «Tissue Engineering for Drug Developpment and Substance Testing»
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Dear TEDD Partners,
We are breaking for the Summer Pause and we are looking forward to seeing you soon for our next events: TEDD University Visit: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland on 8th September 2020 and TEDD Annual Meeting "10th Anniversary - 10 Years of Innovation in Tissue Engineering" on 21st - 22nd October 2020.

We wish you a wonderful summer.

Kind regards
21st - 22nd October 2020 TEDD Annual Meeting "10th Anniversary - 10 Years of Innovation in Tissue Engineering"
On the first day, we will have a physical on-site meeting with the Executive Committee of a potential new National Thematic Network Innovation Booster (NTN IB) “Cell Insights 4 Life” (CI4L). The members of the Executive Committee will share their vision and demonstrate the benefits of the new NTN IB CI4L.

The second day of the TEDD AM is dedicated to cutting edge academic and industrial research. This year, for the first time, it will be a fully on-line event. We have a confirmed keynote Dr Uwe Marx from TissUsee. The focus will be on MPS and its application in different fields, including research on the novel coronavirus and the development of in vitro disease and infection models. The on-line event will allow you to network through the platform “Talque" and companies to present themselves over the “lunch break” with break-out sessions to compensate for our famous lunch break with the company exhibitions.

We invite you to join us for the TEDD 10th anniversary and encourage you to contribute to the future of TEDD actively.
More Info
I would like to exhibit - contact us
New TEDD Partner
Maxwell Biosystems provides advanced high-resolution functional cell imaging platforms to facilitate detailed investigation of cells. MaxOne (single well) and MaxTwo (multi-well) allow stimulation and recording of every active cell on a dish at unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. These instruments will advance and accelerate drug discovery and basic neuroscience.
Dechema 3D Cell Culture - Call for Papers: Deadline is 10 September 2020
3D Cell Culture 2021 will focus on advanced and predictive 3D cell culture models for the understanding of diseases and substance testing. This relies on innovative enabling technologies. A key question is the successful translation of models to clinical and industrial applications. In addition, the exhibition will showcase applications, products and solutions.
Invitation to Join a Proposal Toward a World Conference on Microphysiological Systems
We call on eminent individuals and organizations to join an effort to organize a series of three World Conferences for Microphysiological Systems (WC-MPS I, II & III) in 2021-2023. With the goal of creating a long-term, self-sustained series of international conferences and an international society, we are calling on stakeholders to team up for this effort.
As a first step, we invite you to join us in applying for a substantial sponsorship of this series of events by NIH NCATS. At this stage, we are inviting organizations to join a steering group and individuals to join our advisory board. For further information please contact us: or directly Camila Sgrignoli Januario at: cjanuar1@jhu.ed
TEDD University Visit: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland on 8th September 2020
FHNW conducts research along the entire healthcare value creation chain. The spectrum ranges from the development of medical products and drugs, technologies and production processes through to their production and market launch. TEDD Visit will include talks and visit to the laboratories.
Upcoming TEDD Events
8th September 2020

21st- 22nd October 2020
February/March 2021 tbd

5th - 7th May 2021
31st May - 4th June 2021
17th - 19th August 2021

22nd - 26th August 2021

27th - 30th May 2023
All TEDD Events
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