Newsletter TEDD «Tissue Engineering for Drug Developpment and Substance Testing»
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TEDD Competence Centre
Dear Colleague,
Autumn productivity time is approaching. We have exciting news to share with you. TEDD has now a new leader - Dr Markus Rimann. He was actively engaged in TEDD since its foundation in 2010. He officially took over this role from Prof Michael Raghunath starting September 2019.
We say a big THANK YOU to Michael for his work and commitment and good luck for Markus in his new role.
With kind regards
ZHAW Competence Centre TEDD
TEDD Annual Meeting
Registration is open! Stem Cells and Organ-on-a-Chip are the two main subjects of this year's TEDD Annual Meeting with Sino-Swiss Workshop with our Chinese colleagues from Southeast University. Join us on October 23-24, 2019 when excellent speakers share their state-of-art research and innovative exhibitors show their newest products and services.

Places for both events are limited.
TEDD AM Symposium 2019
TEDD AM2019 Sino-Swiss Workshop on Tissue Engineering
Bionterfaces International 2020
In 2020 TEDD is one of the co-organizers of the BIC 2020, especially of the Translational Session dedicated to the scientific and technological challenges in the development of tissue- and organ-like laboratory models to replace animal testing (3R: Replace, Reduce, Refine concept).
BIC 2020
Upcoming TEDD Events
23. October 2019
24. October 2019
25.-27. August 2020
TEDD AM2019 Sino-Swiss Workshop
TEDD Annual Meeting 2019 Symposium
Biointerfaces International 2020

All TEDD Events
Dispendix was founded to commercialize an award-winning, non-contact, dispensing technology for the fast transfer of fluids, while increasing precision. The first product is called I-DOT (“Immediate Drop on Demand Technology”). I-DOT enables highly accurate, nearly dead volume free fluid transfer from nano- to microliters, while significantly reducing capital investment and running costs.
Medical University of Plovdiv
Medical University of Plovdiv
Medical University of Plovdiv teaches more than 6000 Bulgarian and international students within 4 main faculties and 6 University hospitals. The University is strongly focussed on research. Its laboratory with a specialised 3D-bioprinter is working on the first project of establishing a 3D-bioprinted model of colorectal cancer from patient samples.
New Partner
TEDD in ALTEX Corners
Read latest news on TEDD in ALTEX Journal. TEDD is a member of ALTEX community since 2018.
ALTEX Impact Factor 2018: 6.183 and 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.2.

Read ALTEX Corners
Article of TEDD in NZZ
Read the article "Mini-organs instead of animal experiments: how Swiss researchers want to end the suffering of mice" in Neue Zürcher Zeitung where several researcher including TEDD Leader Markus Rimann talk about animal experimentation and alternatives in Switzerland (in German).

Read Article
SNF Spark funding
Spark is intended for projects that show unconventional thinking and introduce a unique approach. The focus is on projects or ideas that are unlikely to be funded by other available funding schemes. Spark is a pilot funding scheme for 2019-2020.​

Read more about funding option
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